Media Migration Technology is the successor to the famous Lipsner Smith Company, the world’s leading provider of motion picture Film Cleaning machines for 60 years.
MMT design, manufacture and support a brand-new updated range of ultrasonic film cleaners, which provide a host of new features and optimize either HFE, PromoSolv 9000 or perchloroethylene solvents.
In addition, MMT offer a range of certified, factory rebuilt ultrasonic
film cleaners originally manufactured by Lipsner Smith.
8mm/Super 8mm roller and adapter kit
Media Migration Technology, LLC, believes the information and specifications in this website to be correct at the time of publishing. Specifications, standard features and options, are subject to change without notice. Some features may be unavailable when your equipment or parts are built. Some machines are pictured with options that may be available at extra cost or may not be available on some models. Contact Media Migration Technology LLC to ask about the availability of options and verify that the product you ordered matches our expectations.