Cuts the adhesive tape for an extremely resistant wraparound splice on 16mm film.Special for darkroom use, to splice film before continuous processing.
Cuts the adhesive tape for an extremely resistant wraparound splice on 35mm film.Special for darkroom use, to splice film before continuous processing.
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 35mm film with negative perforation.
Perforates and cuts a special 38mm wide adhesive tape which covers exactly 2 frames of 35 mm film with negative perforation.
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 16 mm film.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS2 15mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Available with additional diagonal cutter for magnetic tape.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS2 15mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 17,5 mm magnetic tape.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS2 15mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 35mm film.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS8 25mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit).
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS8 25mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit).
Available with additional diagonal cutter for magnetic tape.
Perforates and cuts a special 38mm wide adhesive tape which covers exactly 2 frames of 35 mm film with positive perforation.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS9B 38mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit).
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 35 mm film with cinemascope perforation.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS8 25mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit).
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 65mm negative film as well as all 70mm positive film “cinema”. Equipped with side film cutter to exactly cut on frameline between the film perforation holes.
For a better result we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like ours:
Perforates and cuts a special 38mm wide adhesive tape which covers exactly 2 frames of 35 mm film with positive perforation.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS9B 38mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit).
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 16 mm film.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS2 15mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Especially designed for splice-reinforcements and short perforation repairs on old 35mm archive film (negative/positive).
For better results in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS12A SPC 25mmx20mt Tape Black/Pre or NAS9B 38mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 35mm film.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS8 25mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit).
Perforates and cuts a special 38mm wide adhesive tape which covers exactly 2 frames of 35 mm film with negative perforation.
For a better result in time we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS9B 38mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit).
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 9,5 Pathe’ film in one single action with a wraparound splice.
For a better result in time, we recommend using a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS11 14mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join 8mm film in one single action with a wraparound splice, leaving the soundtrack free.
For a better result in time, we recommend to use a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS13 12mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join super 8mm film in one single action with a wraparound splice.
For a better result in time, we recommend using a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS10 8,5mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
Perforates and cuts the adhesive tape to join super 8mm film in one single action with a wraparound splice.
For a better result in time, we recommend using a proper splicing tape like our CIR (NAS10 8,5mmx10mt Tape Clear Edit)
MAC2 35mm Splicer is specially designed for splicing all types of 35mm film and repairing any splice, even on very old library shots. It resolves the film pitch and/or width variation problems also arising with aging acetate or nitrate film. Thanks to a series of well-engineered matrix regulations it works perfectly with in-pitch and well-aligned splices and also enables you to renew defective splices before printing, thus eliminating possible transport problems. The electronic spiral miller accurately scrapes the film emulsion and simultaneously vacuums the entire resulting residue eliminating any ”rain” effect on the film.